My, my ......... the week simply whizz by. I barely have time to take a breather. There's so much that I wanted to post but just didn't have the time. And when I am able to, it's old news already. The month is coming to an end and I am really close to my sales target. Keep your fingers cross for me everyone :p
The family took a day trip to Desaru with the FJC peeps on Saturday. There were about 15 cars that partake in this outing. It was my first time convoying with such a huge group and to out of town. Only 1 word can describe how I feel about the trip :SCARY! Well it's not the people nor Desaru that I am talking about but the process of getting to and from Desaru.
For one, these guys wanted to test the top speed of their cars and ram like nobody's business. And they also made it their vendetta to overtake any car in sight. I mean it's fine if it's just 1 car overtaking but can you imagine 15 cars?! Whats' more, these were narrow 2 way single lane roads. And when night falls, there were no lamp posts to light the way.
Honestly it was terrifying at night. In spite that I was dead beat after an entire day in the sun, I found that my body couldn't go into a shut-off mode the way it normally does. I was on red alert and although I wasn't the driver, I had my foot in the 'brake' position the whole time. My heart was perpetually in my mouth and it's amazing that I didn't have a heart attack midway. Either I was weird or Megan was weird because she went "Whee..... that's so fun!" But then again, I am the one with the faint heart, I'd never dare try the rides that she likes.
Overall the outing was a huge success and I believe they are arranging another trip soon. Other than photos from my camera, I also 'pinched' lots of photos from the forum taken by the other members. So plenty of photos for your viewing pleasure!
Gathered at 7.30am in West Coast MacDonalds

Meg decided she had enough of the sand and proceeded to the pool. She's in love with the slide at the pool and is pestering us to bring her to Desaru again just for the slide.

After reviewing the pics, Meg says she loves this pose. haha......
Meg was Ms. Grouch of the day
Darling Ju couldn't make it there to join us for our day activities but still made the trip just to join us for dinner

The cool guys from FJC