Extended the long holiday weekends by taking leave today but the unfortunate thing is that Meg's down with fever. So being a responsible mother, instead of the usual fast food home delivery or instant noodle, I decided to cook something to soothe my sick child's stomach - Teochew Porridge.
Meg nearly freaked out when I told her I wanted to cook porridge. "You KNOW how to cook porridge??!" Meg exclaimed a tad bit too suspiciously. Come on! Who doesn't know how to cook plain porridge? :p
Errr ..... in the end, I burnt it due to my enthusiastic Facebooking! *shamedface* (Thank god the part time help is here today or I'd have to scrub that super black pot.)
Side dishes? - No problemo. Everything came out of a can :p Hahaha ......... I'm such a wonderful mum!

Would have preferred it a bit more watery but it beats being burned (recooked in a new pot btw :p)

I dunno if any of you had tried this before but I love this - some sort of marinated minced pork

All-time ♥ - pickled lettuce

This - Megan loves!
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