We have another new addition to the family!!! Meet Seraphina, our newly adopted rabbit :D She's 1 years old and a local breed. She might look kinda small here but in reality, she's very much grown and really long when stretched out.
Meg had been pestering us for a rabbit but we felt that our house is already overcrowded with small animals. We have 1 dog, 1 hamster, 3 tortoises and 2 goldfishes. But don't know why, I suddenly had the impulsion to keep one too. So with 2 against 1, Ken had to relent. I think the maid nearly fainted when she saw us bring Seraphina back. Haha....... Now the house is really lively and the maid calls it a mini zoo :p
Woofie was very excited with the arrival of his new sister. Meg affectionately calls them her 'DiDi' and 'Mei Mei'. Woofie had a great time checking Seraphina out. But Woofie is not the malicious sort, more the goofy kind, so we're not at all worried about him harming the rabbit. Thank goodness, Seraphina is very gung-ho and not at all faltered by the new environment nor an over-friendly dog. She' really extremely gutsy and will come up to us to sniff at us and even at Woofie. Most of the times, she's oblivious to his keen interest in her. Hee~
By-the-way, Meg named her pets after a Barbie animation, 'The Princess and The Pauper'. There were 2 cats, a male named Woofie and a female named Seraphina!
We saw alot of adorable animals in the S.P.C.A. For those who wants to get a new pet, I would beseech you to adopt instead. Seraphina gave us the same joy as a baby rabbit would from a pet shop.
Meg the proud sister
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