These photos had been with me for a while now but as usual I can never blog as fast as the speed my life is going :p
Brought Liz, Jon & Meg out on 1 of the weekends in March. All deeply engrossed in the DS Lite.
Prawn fishing in Pasir Ris Farmway
All got terribly bored as no one caught anything. At the end of it, we got only 3 prawns. 1 courtesy of Meg & 2 from me! (Meg caught the 1st one.) But we gave it away cos it's kinda pathetic bringing home only 3. We swear never to go back again & stick out our usual fishing haunt instead. To make up for it, we brought them to Timezone (& we know it couldn't go wrong there :p) But all in all, it was a great day & I'm looking forward to the next one as much as Meg is!
Decided on an impromptu weekend getaway in Batam with my darlings in end of March. Disappointed that Ju couldn't make it though.
Thanks to Kelly's connections, we paid minimal for this trip.
Our 1st stopover in Batam - A&W! And guess what our last meal in Batam is? A&W again of course!
Next stop (You won't believe it) - Hypermart! Wahahaha! We bought many toiletries to cart back to Singapore because it's too cheap to resist! Cheapos! :p
Took a tour around the largest temple in Batam. I wrapped my most trusted, never-leave-home-without-it accessory (shawl/ blanket/ sarong) around me cos I felt inappropriate to be in a temple with a pair of shorts.
Headed for seafood at the famous Golden Prawn Restaurant
Gorgeous babes :D
A guy was really nice & offered to take a pic for all of us without us even asking
Our hotel - Pacific Palace. It's very new & some areas are still under renovation. You can't see it from here but the exterior is shaped like a cruise.
The grand interior
All of us still full of energy at the end of the day even after a full day of shopping & massages. I think all of us makes very good travelling companions to each other. We always look out for each other & gives in to one another. And the whole trip was about having good fun! (so unlike my other trip :p) I cherish Mar & Kelly much more after this trip & not forgetting Ed who was such a great travelling mate as well :)
Breakfast, the next morning
So early & all already making funny faces
Bless Kelly for taking care of Meg this entire trip. She single-handedly brought Meg to the pool so that I have a chance to get ready & give Ken some time to rest.
Mr & Mrs Peck
Trust Meg to come up with all kinds of ideas when taking a photo
Hee~ Meg's sunglasses with Little Mermaid at the side
Busy cam whoring
While Ken chills out
Suppose to act shock but think Ken got influenced by Capt Weihao :p
Testing Meg's acting abilities - acting out the various emotions. Haha ..... she's so cute!
All of us suppose to take an angry shot.
But erm ...... Edmund???
These babes are the closest to my heart
Waiting for the ferry back to Singapore. And I fell in love with that Elle luggage that I simply must lay hands on. Do you know we're already planning our 2nd trip? ;)
Visited Siti & her bundle of joy. Here's Liza holding on to the sweet lil' thing.
Well done, Siti my dear! My heartiest congratulations!
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