It's one birthday after another birthday. And it's the birthdays of little ones! I don't think I can ever get enough of kids, I love all these sweet cutie pies :)
We attended Eleanor's 1st birthday celebration in Roland Restaurant on Saturday. It's no wonder her parents are so proud of their little one. She's just simply adorable! After party, the group of us headed down to Crew Room for our kind of adult partying.
Everyone saw me carrying my camera around and each inevitably asked if they are going to appear in my blog again. I said yes and they predictably responded to that with a scowl on their faces. The strange thing is that in spite of being warned, they have managed to proceed to do the silliest most hilarious things that I have ever seen them do. Well guys, I have warned you that it's reality TV right here so don't ever regret! (Hahaha........ I think they are so not going to ever talk to me!)
On Sunday, we went to Noah's 1st birthday celebration. Noah is the son of Angela, who is the cousin of Kenneth. (Just feel like stirring things up a bit :p) We brought Woofie down as well and everyone went ga-ga over him.
I have not elaborated because I have uploaded tons of photos and videos to show you.
Proud parents, Gary & Jenny with baby Eleanor

Yummylicious birthday cake

For the benefit of Gary who's going to upload the videos from here, I have put up all of the clips (Note: go to my photo album on the upper left page for the rest of the photos)
It's such a nice feeling holding Eleanor in my arms

Yes I told you, Min Jie, that I am going to put up this photo :p 

What they held in their hands pretty much summarizes what we did for the entire night actually
Here we go again! May I present Mr Peh!

Here we go again! May I present Mr Peh!

You know how much they dread appearing in my blog but here they are, pose after pose. Well.... we never know.

That's Gulp hugging Xiao Hei (our superstar) while he sings

Poor poor Kangwei

It's not a candid shot, mind you. Camera whores (of a different kind)! Well there are some that you'll never understand. * scratches head*

What did I say about camera whoring?
Watch this video! I swear you'll never regret it. It's kinda dark so just in case you are wondering who are the stars of this clip. It's Baby & Gulp.

Watch this video! I swear you'll never regret it. It's kinda dark so just in case you are wondering who are the stars of this clip. It's Baby & Gulp.
Now for a solo by baby
Noah's birthday cake

Another set of proud parents. Angela & Alan with baby Noah.

Meg reluctantly posing with grandma *sighs*