Friday, December 31, 2010
I finally did it!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Miko's Bachelorette Party (strictly M18 only)

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sweet sweet snippets
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Miko's & Desmond's special day

The Boss
Grenade - Bruno Mars
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Where's the key?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Easy A

Friday, November 05, 2010
What do you want to be recognised for?
I've been sharing my life with you guys for slightly over 5 years now. So other than knowing me as the gorgeous blogger (??!!), many of you knew me as the dedicated mum of Meg & recently Pillow, a loving sister to Uniz & Erykca & my parents' filial daughter.
But what most of you didn't know was that I was formerly a nurse. Yup, a true blue state-registered nurse who used to work in a busy 'C' class ward in the Singapore General Hospital during the early years of my working life. I can almost hear you exclaiming “But you don't look like a nurse!" Weirdly, I've heard it from most of the people I meet. It used to always make me wonder what does a nurse look like then?
Kinda morbid to talk about it but the most vivid memory of my 10 years nursing career, was the 1st death I encountered as a staff nurse. He was an old man who was placed under my charge. He'd requested for a drink but it'd completely slipped my mind. 15 minutes later, he started vomiting a copious amount blood & passed away soon after. I was badly traumatized because the entire scene was just so bloody & his family members were screaming at me that I had caused his death cos I didn't bring him his drink. I cried for many days after that.
Although looking back, logically, the inevitable would still have happened whether I brought him the drink or not. I never stopped feeling guilty & this incident was forever burned into my memory. However it did make me sit up & be more conscientious than ever. Every little thing is important in life, even a simple request such as a drink could be a person's last. I had seen many more deaths after that & with each death, I learnt a new fact about life.
Although I'm in the Pharmaceutical Sales industry now, my identity will always be that of a NURSE. Life's such that one can't always do what one love but maybe in time to come, I might be able to return to the profession that I was so passionate about.
All of us want to be recognized for something no matter it's a monumental achievement or a moment unique only to you. What's yours? What do you want to be recognized for?
And now for sharing your stories on facebook.com/AvivaSingapore, you stand to win a 64GB iPad with Wi-Fi & 3G every week till 28 Nov 2010! It is really easy to take part. All you have to do is to submit your story on Facebook, it doesn't have to be a long-winded story like mine, just a simple sentence will do. And most certainly it doesn't have to be something highly noble or inspirational. Personal moments or achievements such as helping your dad quit smoking or winning the medal in a school relay will do just fine. Be one of the top 3 entries with the most number of "Likes" & you get to bring home the much-coveted iPad!
This contest is the continuation of Aviva's 'You are the Big Picture' campaign. For Aviva, their business is all about people. And because you are their big picture, they want to know more about you. So what do you want to be recognised for? Share your stories now!
Aviva is a leading provider of insurance, investments, health & retirement products (just cos you always see their sports sponsorships doesn't mean they're a sports company, ok? :p). Aviva is a British company (largest insurer in UK) & has a long history of over 300 years. Aviva insures 53 million customers in 28 countries & is one of the biggest providers of employee benefits & healthcare in Singapore.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Our last day in Oxford