I am officially an Aunt! Actually I was already an Aunt on the 3rd August 2006. Uniz gave birth to a beautiful girl weighing 3kg on the 3rd. I am so proud of the both of them!
Sorry I wasn't able to do justice to Leto by not posting immediately. But I wasn't able to upload any photos, as all of you know that my PC is down with virus (complain..... blah..... blah..... blah....). Nope it's still not fixed (complain some more..... blah..... blah..... blah.....) but I'm making do with the pics I took from my phone. (I LOVE MY PHONE!!!)
Her name is Barborka Leto Manda-Liu Jia En. Quite a mouthful, isn't it? Well but it's Czech plus Chinese afterall .........
She's really beautiful! A real gem, doesn't fuss much. We can't really tell whether she looks more Chinese or Caucasian at this moment. Her hair looks slightly brown. We think that we saw a tinge of green in her eyes but we can't be sure because she's sleeping most of the time. But she's got very big gorgeous eyes and those double eyelids are to die for! It's amazing how Leto turns out to have such 'thick' double eyelids because Uniz is the only one in the family not to have any (meaning single eyelids). Hahaha ...... She's so going to kill me when she sees this.
Looking at Leto makes me want to have babies all over again. Ooooh bad ..........
P.S. Uniz & Rene - job well done ;) *pats shoulders*
Proud mummy showing off her baby

I just had to remove her booties to peep at her feet. She's got amazingly long toes!